How To

Integrate Ledger

Learn how to use Blocknative's suite of blockchain developer tools to integrate Ledger into your dapp.


Ledger by the Numbers

4 Million


Over 15%

world’s crypto assets secured


Assets supported

How to

Integrate Ledger
Hardware Wallet

How to Easily Integrate Ledger Hardware Wallet

Step 1: Install Via NPM

Step 2: Initialize the Library

Use the minimum required config. There are more options available as detailed in the initialization section of our docs. The wallets are displayed in the order they are in the array, so you can reorder them accordingly in your wallets array.



Step 3: Onboard User

Ask the user to select a wallet and authorize access to accounts.



Integrate Ledger Connect


Blocknative is excited to partner with Ledger to help make transacting on web3 easier and safer through the integration of real-time transaction simulations with Blocknative Transaction Preview to simulate transactions pre-flight and calculate the likely outcome of these transactions.

Blocknative's real-time transaction simulations do more than just identify balance changes; they can also be used to identify key risks (like scammers looking to drain your wallet) before your users sign a transaction.


Simulation powered by Blocknative - Ledger Connect Web3 Check

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"After first building our own infrastructure, we appreciate that mempool management is a difficult, expensive problem to solve at scale. That's why we partner with Blocknative to power the transaction notifications in our next-generation wallet."